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Here we are, Fellow Travelers!

For those who are in Rome on Sunday, May 5th, something not to miss upcoming: the first conference of the Series of Talks I'm going to mantain from next May to October for MACRO-Asilo Museum's "The Room of Words".

Topic of the Series I lead will be one of the most elusive yet omnipresent words of our times : "MEME".

We'll start from my talk, titled "Heretical Memetic", in which I'll expose the ethics of "template sabotage" through some case histories where "the abyss of social media" (as Geert Lovink define it) has been turned into a critical work of art, pushing on boundaries of the acceptance of rules to the artistic gesture in clam for identity.

Many other unmissable talks will follow on next Sundays: I want to mention those of Stefano Diana, Alessandro Lolli, Antonio Bilo Canella, and, on October, Massimo Canevacci.

See you there, my friends!


Welcome to my website! I’m so glad to finally present you my own web-space, where you will have the chance of covering samples and highlights from over 25 years of work & cultural activity. I’m not going blogging in an interactive mode though, by social threads and direct comments: I would prefer you to get in touch with me by my email, and develop, where possible, a more private and deeper exchange of ideas.

There’s a lot of work to do yet, I’ll add many other highlights from the past, and, of course, I will update with upcoming and new experiences from time to time.

Here I wish to thank Emoticron and especially “Buana” Mario Nucibello for his clever structural work. Last (and never least) Camilla & Elettra for their precious advices on the core-concepts of the site. And being incurably optimistic, I finally wish to thank all of you in advance for the many contacts you will develop by contacting me by email and subscribing the mailing list.

This space will be dedicated to news and infos in real time, to keep you informed on all that is coming down to the pike.

But no real opening would be such, if not including a gift for the participants. Let’s call it a sneak peek: at the link below you will find the index & synopsis of my upcoming essay project: a book on the digital subjectivity and the visual thought, where I distilled the theoretical outcomes of my last ten years in studying and confronting with the digital and web-social media world.

The international working title is “SIGN(S) OF THE TIMES”.

Nad now, let’s hope to get across the times to come together, to reflect and catch the meaning of the many evolutions&revolutions we will face in forthcoming years!

SYS, callers of my brand new web-space!


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